Hello Fred,

I know that this branch is not stable and I follow your work in the 
Changelog ;-)
It is mostly out of curiosity I want to get to compile this new 
development (I have a 2.12 working with Qt3 on another computer).

I've find (using your INSTALL) that with an "export 
CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/share/qt4/include" I can terminate the "./configure 
Now I have to find what's missing to run the "make" without error.

Thank's for your great work !



Le 28/03/2012 16:35, Fred Gleason a écrit :
> On Mar 28, 2012, at 06:05 44, philippe wrote:
>> Does anyone has managed to compile a fresh rivendell cvs sources on
>> ubuntu 11.10 ?
>> I try this on a test computer, have install all the libqt4 available,
>> search on the web some explanation and try a lot of things but don't
>> find any solution. :-(
> As of about a week ago, the Qt4 port was merged into Head, so builds from 
> Head will now require Qt4.  See the 'INSTALL' file for details.  If you're 
> looking for CVS for the 'stable' 2.x series (which still uses Qt3), check out 
> the 'v2_branch'.
> The move to Qt4 has been an intensive effort underway for the last few 
> months.  The code currently in Head is nearly, but not quite, fully 
> stabilized --i.e. *don't* use it on-air yet!  Once it is fully stabilized, I 
> plan to release an alpha snapshot so the community can begin testing.
> As for your build problems, it'd be hard to say what is going on.  Qt4 is a 
> completely different animal from Qt3.  In many ways, its build system works 
> much more like 'standard' FOSS libraries, without the need for a special 
> environmental variable ($QTDIR) and script to find all of the components as 
> is the case with Qt3.  However, my experience has been that distros vary 
> widely in how they package it.  Some (e.g. SuSE) 'just work', whereas others 
> (CentOS/RedHat, Ubuntu) still place things in non-standard locations that  
> require that various environmental variables be set before invoking 
> 'configure' so that the components (headers and libraries) get found.  I've 
> started a list in 'INSTALL' for these, broken down by distro.  If you have 
> found the way to make it build on distro X, please let me know and I will add 
> it to the list.
> Cheers!
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |               Chief Developer               |
> |                           |               Paravel Systems               |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |  The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one   |
> |  persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.  Therefore all       |
> |  progress depends on the unreasonable man.                              |
> |                                     -- George Bernard Shaw              |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
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