I had this same problem once, and yes, it was Apache. I think I added the 
apache user to the rivendell group and made sure the audio folder was g+w 
(group writeable). 

Sent from my iPad

On Jul 1, 2012, at 8:02 PM, Marcelo Acuña <aleph_nu...@yahoo.com.ar> wrote:

>> On Alban's Instructions for installing the Tryphon Rivendell 2.1.4
>> packages on Ubuntu.... did you do Steps 4 and 5?
> Yes.
>> Step 4 : Add user who needs to use Rivendell in the rivendell group.
>> For example, to use yourself in this group : sudo adduser $USER rivendell
>> Check if this user is specified at AudioOwner line in file
>> /etc/rd.conf . If you used sudo to install package, your username will
>> be used. This information will configurable during the package
>> installation.
> I declare en ubuntu a user (garabato) and then put this user in /etc/rd.conf, 
> and make sudo adduser garabato rivendell and sudo adduser garabato audio.
>> Step 5 : Log out to start a new session (Gnome, KDE, …) to load
>> changes on group and permissions.
>> I found sometimes its easier to reboot the system to get the
>> permissions correct.
>> Many thanks
>> Geoff Barkman
> Yes. I reboot the system, too.
> Now, I think that the problem is in apache, but I don't know how to solve it.
> Marcelo
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