It still seems like a permission problem on /var/snd

On Debian/Ubuntu I use the following:

Owner: rwx
Group: rwx
Other: rx

Or sudo chmod 0775 /var/snd (if you prefer)

 From memory I think you can make these permissions more strict but this 
is what I've always used.

Then I make sure /var/snd is chowned to the correct users first by 
making sure all the groups are sorted:

sudo addgroup rivendell
sudo adduser `whoami` rivendell

Then the chowning:

sudo chown `whoami`:rivendell /var/snd

Finally double check that /etc/rd.conf has the same username as the one 
used above for `whoami` listed for AudioOwner (AudioGroup should also be 

echo `whoami` to make sure

As for apache, all you need to do is make sure the rd-bin.conf is in the 
right place and you've used the right ./configure flags (I can't 
remember if you said you installed from the repos or not).

Anyway on Deb/Ubu rd-bin.conf lives in /etc/apache2/conf.d/rd-bin.conf

If the configure flags are wrong (or something went wrong) make sure 
that line 23 reads: <Directory "/var/www/rd-bin"> and that line 50 is 
ScriptAlias /rd-bin/ "/var/www/rd-bin/"

Hope this helps,

Wayne Merricks
The Voice Asia

On 02/07/12 17:40, Marcelo Acuña wrote:
> Matt Hart <matt.hart@...> writes:
>> I had this same problem once, and yes, it was Apache. I think I added the
> apache user to the rivendell group and
>> made sure the audio folder was g+w (group writeable).
>   (excuseme, I send this post 3 times and I can't get be accepted.)
>   The apache user is www-data. I added this user to rivendell, then reboot, 
> but
> the problem remain. I can't get import mp3 and I can't get delete carts.
>   May be a mysql problem?
>   Or is another apache problem?
> Marcelo
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