I've installed the Paravel Broadcast CD on a PC which operates as a
file-server and MySQL server for my Rivendell setup. I need two client
machines to be able to voice-track. Since they're far far away, I
thought of keeping a local backup of /var/snd on both client machines.
I tried mounting the folder via NFS, but it was to slow to work with,
I tried with a small Rsync-script which should run on the client. The
thought was that it should run in a loop, so it always get new music
from the server, and in the same time uploads voice-tracks to the
However I get all kind of errors: Missing files on both sides, message
showing "No energy data" in 'Edit markers' and so on.
What should be the right approach to this?

Thank you!

Kind regards,

My small script:

while true ;
#from server to client
rsync -avz -e ssh root@ /var
#from client to server
rsync -avz -e  ssh /var/snd root@
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