Its a 64-bit machine & I intend to continue to use it as a Rivendell system in 
my crazy basement music rig, after the conference. 

How does RRAbuntu behave on a 64-bitter?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Geoff Barkman" <>
To: "User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System" 
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 1:58:20 AM
Subject: Re: [RDD] New installation not happening

If your only demonstrating... why not take RRAbuntu on a live cd...
its over 2 years old... but should work on your hardware.

On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 6:05 PM, Alan Peterson
<> wrote:
> Folks - -
> I've picked up a refurbed HP/Compaq DC7700 dual-core PC (2.4 GHz, 2GB RAM), 
> for the intent of demonstrating Rivendell at an upcoming college radio 
> conference in NYC. I grabbed the appliance disc from the Paravel website and 
> went to town.
> The CentOS splash screen freezes at startup, but I can live with that. The 
> bootup steps shown on the screen indicate that the RD daemons failed. When I 
> try to restart them under the SERVICES menu, I get the following message:
> rivendell failed. The error was: rdcatchd: aborting - multiple instances not 
> allowed Starting Rivendell system daemons[FAILED]
> <<<
> I've gone online with the Package Updater and pulled in the newest updates 
> and dependencies for LibMad and RD, so I believe I'm running the freshest 
> version in town. But no success.
> Is there anything I'm forgetting, ignoring or botching? Is it possible this 
> HP model isnt a good candidate to run this on? Any suggestions are 
> appreciated -- my conference starts Friday 3/1.
> AP
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