The APC's are not straight forward to use with software other than 
ableton from what I understand. I asked around about that because it 
would have been great for my lighting software. apparently they are not 
class compliant midi interfaces. Something was mentioned about starting 
ableton up first and then you could do user mode...sounded like a hassle 
to me. maybe you could write some software to get it working if your 
good at that stuff, me I moved on to other Ideas. will probably end up 
DIY'ing one at some point.

Nathaniel C. Steele
Assistant Chief Engineer/Technical Director
WTRM-FM / TheCrossFM

On 2/27/2013 10:48 AM, Jay Ashworth wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "drew Roberts" <>
>>> If so, have you found a decent, and not horribly expensive, mixer control
>>> surface with, say, start and assign buttons? I don't mind running Riven
>>> proper on a touch screen, but damnit, I want sliders. Good ones. And
>>> start buttons at the bottom.
>>> Anyone seen anything? I've just gotten motivated.
>> Let's brainstorm / keep in touch on this issue. We are looking to help
>> a school set up a small station.
>> I was just speaking to Brooks recently about the idea of a very inexpensive
>> setup where the students could effectively set up most of what is at school
>> in their home to play with it more than school time allows.
>> My first thought was a regular pc doing rivendell and then a tablet
>> with a broadcast console setup that controlled the rivendell pc.
>> A physical control surface would be nice as well.
> I have in mind, and I should have mentioned it in the first posting,
> something akin to the AKAI APC-20 or -40 Ableton Live controllers (q.g.[1]).
> Those don't have the big Start and Stop buttons under the faders to mash,
> though, and I'm sort of in love with those buttons.
> Still looking.
> Cheers,
> -- jra
> [1] quod googleth

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