
I wrote the Debian 6 guide in one of my more time free moments. Debian 6 isn't as strict at wiping out /var/run like later versions (and Ubuntu).

If you want a quicker way of creating the directory why not add a crontab for root (sudo crontab -e), if you use @reboot for the time and then do the usual mkdir and chown that should work just as well as any init scripts.

With sudo, you're running as root. Are you sure its just because if you run airplay as the current user they don't have rights to create the /var/run?

On 2013-06-22 03:19, Mike Carroll wrote:
Wayne Merricks <waynemerricks@...> writes:
/var/run/rivendell being deleted is an Ubuntu thing.  They like
deleting everything in /var/run on reboot.

I used to use a really crappy init script I wrote on Ubuntu 11.04, it
should still work.  Change the chown line to your own username.

Copy this into /etc/init.d/rivendell_run_dir

Thanks, Wayne. Also to Jorge Soto who referred me to a web page that
discusses installing RD 2.0.2 on Ubuntu 10.04 and suggests a script
modification against the installed /etc/init.d/rivendell script.

However, I don't think that's the problem. I looked at the rivendell script
and it checks for and creates the /var/run/rivendell directory before
performing either a start or a stop request.

I don't automatically start the Rivendell daemons. Here's what I see after
a reboot:

-- If I start the daemons manually, RD functions work (RDAdmin, etc.).
sudo /etc/init.d/rivendell start

-- If I manually create the /var/run directory, RD functions start the
daemons and then work.
sudo mkdir /var/run/rivendell

-- If I don't do either, RD functions fail with the "daemons can't be
started" message.

So it seems that whatever RD function modules check for and start the
daemons aren't handling the case where /var/run/rivendell doesn't exist.

For posterity, here's the link Jorge provided:


And here's the page I've been using as a reference, RD 2.1.1 on Debian 6:


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