Hi Kevin
I presume this is just one machine or is it a networked installation.
What linux version are you using? (I've put some comments further down
in the email)

On 9/1/13, Kevin, Natalia, Stacey and Rochelle <spar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I have built a new Rivendell box for the local Primary Schools radio
> station
> just over a month ago and all was working well. It's due to go into service
> in 2 weeks time.
> But yesterday, after finally getting some free time to work on it I ran
> across a few problems.

> 1.      From the Library, opening a music cart. Then I go into the cut, and
> I am wanting to edit the cut. When I press the "Edit Markers" button I get
> the following error message. Unable to download peak data, error was:
> "RDXport service returned an error". The Edit window does open after I
> press
> the ok button on the popup window, however there is no wave form (actually
> nothing) showing. I can press the play button and can hear the cart.

I've struct this when the database library (rdlibrary) has the
filenames listed... but the audio is missing from /var/snd or where
ever you are storing it. What audio type have you defined in rdadmin
for that machine pcm wave or mp2? Sometimes it gets confused if you
have it as one type and the database thinks its the other.

> 2.      Generating a log, I have a made all my clocks and edited my days
> with the clocks I want,  but when I go to generate a log I get an immediate
> message window saying "No Exceptions Found" and no log generated.
In rdadmin > Manage Services > Edit Services
Have you defined a Log Template Name in there?
Usually something like %Y_%m_%d
and I also tick the box insert log chain to at log end.

> And just in finishing I have decided to put a larger hard-drive in the
> system for the music. Could one of you Linux guru's please advise what is
> the best way to copy all the data from the 2nd drive already in there to
> the
> new one, so I can just do a swap over?
> Also on the subject of hard-drives, I have used a USB H/D hub and plugged
> the new Hard-drive into it, but the Linux box does not see the external
> unit
> and drive. I know the USB port is working because I can plug a USB stick in
> and it starts up.
Does it work if you plug the USB hard drive straight into the
computer... bypassing the USB hub? I think in some cases.. there is
limits on how long usb cables can be... more than 3 or 4 metres... it
either gets slow or doesn't work at all.

Many Thanks

> Regards
> Kevin.
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