On Wednesday 18 September 2013 07:03:01 am Rob Landry wrote:
> Will there ever come a time when Qt3 is no longer compatible with the 
> latest Linux kernels or some other component of the OS?


 There is reason Spam-O-Matic still runs on Slack-9.
 It works as-is.
 To make it compatible with the "latest and greatest" would be
 nearly a total re-write.
 It works better than anything else out there as-is, so why ?

 The OS in my '87 truck has been upgraded only once, and only
 to obtain a "feature" not present in the original release, but also
 completely unnecessary as far as actually running the engine
 to original specifications.
 The OS in my '01 car has never been upgraded.
 It still drives. Still gets the same great mileage. Why "up" grade ?



While having never invented a sin, I'm trying to perfect several.

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