I hate unity.  I've taken to using Xubuntu instead with its lovely and familiar 
xfce environment.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 18, 2013, at 1:02 PM, "Pedro Picoto \(TSF/tec\)" <pedro.pic...@tsf.pt> 
> wrote:
> Fixed.
> Followed the alsamixer hint a googled. Did some tweaks on files with Terminal 
> (mainly chaging values from 48000 to 41000 a crossed my fingers)
> The reason for that sample rate change is knocking me off. There was no 
> change on the hardware between instalations. Soundcards
> are exactly the same as ever and today Jack or Alsamixer or whatever messed 
> it all up.
> Lesson learned: if ain't broke don't change it. I mean desktop environments. 
> All this started when I decided to quit Unity... it won.
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