On Thu, 2013-11-21 at 16:19 -0600, Tim Camp wrote:

> I can use the built-in udp send in rdairplay no problem, but if I use
> write to file or udp rlm I get the crashes as stated.

I've seen a few of these messages and so far no answers....

OS Version and Release & Hardware Configuration? (audio card type)

How was Rivendell built? ./configure; make; make install or built as a 
rpm or from the rivendell repo? Is this the appliance?

strace all processes of rivendell and post it somewhere?

ps auxw | grep rivendell | awk '{print "-p" $2}'| xargs strace -f -o \

line wrap above^

Firewall settings?

Are you willing to publish your configuration sans passwords somewhere?

What have you done so far to solve the problem?

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