thxs for this Jim, this week I will give this a deeper look, also Freds ideas are in process, as we had Qjackctl running for 16 days during the process Fred we could verify it has no errors in it, and as we use XFCE on the DJ Touchscreens and Gnome on Digital Soundprocessing (both Debian) and both stations give this effect with processing the VU display I will start with the RTpriority of Jack, somehow this idea of Fred seems to point in the right direction listening and seeing what happens, followed by looking deeper into Xorg / Xrun

Jim Stewart schreef op 6-12-2013 21:50:

>> Does anybody know whether this is solved by using an external video card?

My thoughts would be to first try tweaking features/options for your video card in xorg.conf. What kind of video card is in the computer?

Information can be gotten from:

# lspci

(from a shell prompt, and see what kind of video it has), but better yet is to look at the output of " less /var/log/Xorg.0.log".

Note that once you figure out what Xorg video driver is being loaded, you should be able to do:

# man <video driver>

Examples: man intel

                      man nouveau

                      man radeon

And get a list of options that you can use to try to get more stable operation.

Finally, what OS version are you using, what version of Xorg, What version of the Linux Kernel?

Also note that many video systems, such as ones that are/were considered "high performance" tend to "wear out" (or wear out the power supplies driving them) because they take lots of power, and make lots of heat, so therefore are often short-lived.

PS: I have been running on a couple if different variations of Intel integrated video system from the last few years just fine.

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