Drag and drop between windows is a excellent feature: you can built a log
even faster than before!

But it can problematic in RDAirPlay: it's too easy to *accidentally* change
the carts inside the button panel. If you start dragging from a button, and
drop in another button, the cart in the second button will be replaced with
the cart from the dragged button, and I know this will give us problems,
because the radio operators will change carts in the button panel
accidentally and they will not fix it.

A good sollution could be to disable drag-and-drop between buttons in the
button panel, until the user press the "Configure" button. Dragging a cart
from the button panel and drop it in the Main Log is a great feature, this
should not be touched ;)


2014/1/18 Hoggins! <fucks...@wheres5.com>

> Our presenters are from all ages. We are a student radio, but some
> people are not students anymore. Surprisingly, the "older" people are
> not the ones that experience issues using our computers (well, maybe
> this article explains a lot :
> http://www.coding2learn.org/blog/2013/07/29/kids-cant-use-computers/). I
> only mostly "it's buggy" or "it's not working" from the youngest ones
> (18 to 25yo), and it is often because a Gnome desktop effect is moving
> all the windows, or simply because their USB key is dead, or badly
> plugged. Sigh.
> Anyway, sometimes I think it is right to be able to say something like :
> "I know what is good for you, trust me, you don't need this drag'n'drop
> feature". For what I can see, this is much more prone to errors than the
> simple "multiple click" pattern that we are used to work with on Rivendell.
> So yes, I'm pushing in the other way, and if is possible, it would be
> great to simply disable this feature on admin level in a future release.
> Currently, there are neat features that showed since 2.6.2, but I won't
> upgrade until I have a way to prevent the use of this.
>     Hoggins!
> >
> >> > Is there a way to disable it from RDAdmin ?
> > No, not at present.
> >
> > Cheers!
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