It would be nice, if this consistency Rivendell is aiming for also included
accented/foreign characters :-) In some modules they look right, in other
modules they doesn't

2014/1/20 Fred Gleason <>

> On Jan 20, 2014, at 00:08 17, Luigino Bracci <> wrote:
> > Another suggestion: check the Human Interface Guidelines from Gnome, KDE
> or maybe other OS.
> >
> > Gnome
> > (see
> 10.1.3)
> >
> > KDE
> > (but I can't find
> anything about drang and drop)
> All other things being equal, an excellent idea.  However, we already
> break many of these (e.g. the use of color on buttons to indicate state).
>  Unfortunately, radio automation (and industrial process control in
> general) is such an unusual beast that style books written for ‘office’
> tasks often have only limited relevance.
> My overall philosophy with regard to Rivendell’s UI has always been:
> 1) Aim for absolute UI consistency across all of Rivendell’s modules while
> still providing an efficient and discoverable interface for getting the job
> at hand done, while:
> 2) Maintaining as much consistency as possible to the larger ‘stylebook’
> standards of the underlying platform.
> We try to do both, but in the event of a conflict, 1) will always trump 2)
> (especially given the diversity of Linux window managers out there).  There
> are certain advantages to being an Apple and hence able to enforce One
> Right Way to do things.
> Cheers!
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |               Chief Developer               |
> |                           |               Paravel Systems               |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |  At the beginning of the week, we sealed ten BSD programmers into a     |
> |  computer room with a single distribution of BSD Unix. Upon opening     |
> |  the room after seven days, we found all ten programmers dead,          |
> |  clutching each others' throats, and thirteen new flavors of BSD.       |
> |                                       -- Anonymous                      |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
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