Fellow Rivendellers,

Just upgraded to RD 2.7.0 on Mint 12 (Ubuntu Oneiric) using the
Tryphon/Debian packages . In all previous versions of RD, have had the
following problem.

Is there a setting to force RD to respect song intros when enforcing segue
chains in the clock?

I have every element in the library toned. Songs have intros (multiple
intros, in some cases) and imaging has tones where it should fire a song
and walk up an intro.

The problem is, that if a song has a cold intro, (begins with a vocal) or
is shorter than the duration of the imaging, RD doesn't respect the intro
of the song and walks all over the vocal. Very sloppy.


Tone at the end of current song fires :12 second sweeper. The first :06 of
the sweeper is fully produced with music or percussion so it can't play
over song intro. But the last :06 is dry or only semi-produced, so the tone
is set to start the next element (song) at :06.

Now, let's say the song has :04 second intro.

RD should calculate the difference and fire the song at :08 to hit the post
without causing a train-wreck.

Songs with intros the same length or longer than the next tone of an
imaging element sound great!!!

Now, If I could only figure out how to get Jack+Liquidsoap+Icecast with
liquidsoap performing compression, limiting and multiband EQ working... DUN

Thank you,

Sent from outer space...

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