Is it possible to see a screen shot of the log
and the part it skipped?

On 3/17/2014 11:24 AM, Brandon Sossamon wrote:
> As mentioned before, I'm running my system thru the rigors before
> putting it on air.  I've been running logs the past few days and it's
> purging songs as needed in order to hit the hard start timed events
> (set up as Make Next).  Every few hours it will actually skip the hard
> start timed event.  How should I avoid this as some of these have
> sponsors?  I've tried a couple of different scenarios:
> The events are Top of the Hour and Bottom of the Hour.  TOH is weather
>> Legal ID.  BOH is weather intro > weather sponsor > weather.  I've
> tried setting each up as it's own event, scheduled the appropriate
> time and Make Next.  I also, and currently have it set up as a TOH
> event Pre-Importing the Weather cart and Legal ID Cart, and a BOH
> event Pre-Importing the Weather Intro cart, Weather Sponsor Cart and
> Weather cart.  Either way, the log occasionally skips these events.
> Thanks in advance!
> RD version 2.8 on CentOS appliance disc.
> --brandon sossamon
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