Followed Stan's suggestion and yes, the cuts rotate on RDairplay. But not
on the logs.
I have an old ad cart with several cuts that used to work and now even that
cart doesn't respect the cut rotation on the generated logs. They keep
picking the first cut on the stack as the recent ramps or shotguns carts
Running version 2.8.1.

On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Stan Fotinos <> wrote:

>  Hi Pedro
> Maybe go back to basics. Just load the cart(s) with cuts in RD airplay and
> keep playing them over and over and see if they rotate. If they do then you
> know it's not a cart issue. If it is a cart issue then I would suggest
> deleting the cart(s) (not just the cuts) and starting again.
> Hope this helps
> Stan
> On 12/04/14 8:33 AM, Pedro Picoto wrote:
>  I've done it before, it worlked before.
>  I've decided to refresh the jingles by removing the older ones and
> importing newer ones. Created two carts (Ramps and Shotguns) with several
> cuts in them. Also events were created with those items. I've created a few
> hour clocks for testing and inserted those carts and events. None of them
> rotate as I expected. The codes were checked and rechecked. All match. On
> the logs, where should be just shotguns, main ids and ramps appear and
> shouldn't. TOH events end with a ramp cart with several cuts. The generated
> log keeps picking the same single ramp, the first of the stack. The
> rotation isn't working. Shotgun events keep choosing other code jingles.
> Checked and rechecked several times, tried several variables with the same
> end result.
>  What am I doing wrong here?...
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