Hi Andy,

> The problem with this list is useful information gets lost easily with the 
> passage of time. There are also 
> people out there who would like ti use Rivendell who are not developers, so 
> quite a lot of the stuff that 
> gets posted here is not really relevant to them. If you're running a busy 
> radio station you just need 
> software that works put of the box. Althiugh things are better with Linux 
> than they used to be, I still think 
> this is one of the things stopping a lot of users from making the switch from 
> Windows.

I'm not entirely sure how things get lost.  Right now we have quite a
few options, and the archive of stuff seems quite good to me.

Email lists:
Rivendell-Dev - for end users to ask questions about getting Rivendell
up and running, questions about how to use the system once it is up and
running, feature suggestions / requests, "how do I do ___?" type of
questions, or any other questions that may come up.  This is archived
(back to March 2007) at


rivendell-prog - for programmers and developers wanting to contribute to
Rivendell's development.  It is also archived back to March 2007 at:


For a lot of the stuff that is commonly asked (or people commonly have
difficulty with), there's the wiki.  Often times when I've had questions
or run into difficulties a quick search of the Wiki finds the solution I
need.  Furthermore there are a lot of times when someone's question on
one of the email lists will be answered and the question / answer will
get added to the Wiki.


There is also the IRC channel when you need to chat with someone. 

Of course with the nature of open source and the way the internet works,
anyone is free to start up what they wish.  So if someone wants to start
a forum to support Rivendell then that's great.  However the real
question will be - will people actually use the forum?  If no one uses
it then it may not be worth the effort.  

Anyway, just some feedback.

Lorne Tyndale

Rivendell-dev mailing list

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