I'm so embarrassed that I've waited so long to make the test, but I
couldn't compile the code that Fred uploaded to test with.

Now that the fix is included in an official update, here are my results:

Now you can create a title in RdLibrary with the Danish characters, and it
shows up correctly, so you don't have to edit it afterwards. And you can
search for the title with the characters in RdLibrary, but you can't search
for it in Airplay and Logedit. If you search for a different part of the
title, it shows up correctly though.

When you voicetrack it also shows up correctly.

The Danish characters doesn't work though when I create a text report, the
characters show up as questionmarks.

Otherwise this is a nice update!

2014-03-29 23:19 GMT+01:00 Morten Krarup Nielsen <morte...@gmail.com>:

> Spent two hours trying to compile on my test-mashine, but gets a mysql
> error. I will get back to this, as this is a much awaited update
> 2014-03-28 11:55 GMT+01:00 Alessio Elmi <alessio_e...@hotmail.com>:
> I tried that package and in particular I tested the rlm_filewrite plugin
>> (in Debian, VM).
>> I imported a cart in the Library with something like this as title
>> "çò@§àù+è*". I played it and the output file was ok!
>> 2014-03-24 21:14 GMT+01:00 Fernando Della Torre <f...@vdit.com.br>:
>> Hello Friends!
>>> It will be great!
>>> I've been very busy too, I hope I can test it next week.
>>> Regards!
>>> Atenciosamente,
>>> *Fernando Della Torre*
>>> Tecnologia da Informação
>>> (: +55 16 98137-1240
>>> (: +55 16 99137-2886
>>> *: *f...@vdit.com.br <f...@vdit.com.br>*
>>> V.D.I.T. Soluções em Virtualização
>>> A utilização deste e-mail não implica em autorização ou outorga de
>>> poderes para seu usuário praticar qualquer ato em nome das empresas
>>> citadas, cuja representação considera-se válida se praticada exclusivamente
>>> por representante legal ou procurador devidamente constituído, na forma
>>> estabelecida em seu respectivo estatuto ou contrato social
>>> 2014-03-24 11:51 GMT-03:00 Fred Gleason <fr...@paravelsystems.com>:
>>> On Mar 24, 2014, at 06:59 21, Alessio Elmi <alessio_e...@hotmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > Which modules need to be tested? AirPlay, Library, LogEdit? Even RLM
>>>> plugins?
>>>> Mostly RDAirPlay’s RLM functionality.  Turns out that we have ‘issues’
>>>> with UTF-8 in a number of different spots (all of which I plan to be
>>>> addressing in coming weeks), but the specific one being addressed here is
>>>> particularly egregious in that it can cause RDAirPlay to crash.  Not good.
>>>> > Here in Italy we have some exotic letters, I can give you a feedback..
>>>> Looking forward to it!
>>>> Cheers!
>>>> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>>>> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |               Chief Developer
>>>>   |
>>>> |                           |               Paravel Systems
>>>>   |
>>>> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>>>> |          A room without books is like a body without a soul.
>>>>    |
>>>> |                                         -- Cicero
>>>>   |
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