I just did an export of a short file (59 sec), long file (1 hr 27 min), to
wav, and a 46 min to mp2 without errors from the RdLibrary Cut
Import/Export button. I am using 2.9.0 on the appliance DVD v2.
Is this the procedure you are using, or a different procedure?

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 4:46 PM, Hoggins! <fucks...@wheres5.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have a problem after having upgraded to 2.9.0 : exporting carts return
> an error "Audio Converter Error : OK", resulting in an error 500 in the
> Apache logs.
> This is quite critical for me and urgent.
> Do you think there might be a problem with the new rdxport.cgi ?
> Is it possible to copy the rdxport.cgi from 2.8.2 onto the new one, just
> to be able to export audio, or will it miserably crash and burn my
> database ? (this DB is only used by a single machine, no concurrent
> access, so I can guarantee that no one will use rdxport.cgi
> functionalities apart from myself during the export).
> It's kinda urgent. If you have the solution, that would be absolutely
> great !
> Thanks in advance !
>     Hoggins!
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