What version of JACK are you using? What JACK backend are you using? ALSA?
Dummy (for use without an actual audio card providing IO)?

There are a couple of ways xruns can be caused. One is from/to the audio
card. If that's the case, try using the dummy backend since you're not
actually using the sound card for anything.

The other is slow JACK clients. JACK v2 is MUCH better at handling slow
clients. All JACK clients (caed, your encoder, etc.) should run with
realtime priority, but with their priority lower than jackd.

On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 7:06 AM, Rob Landry <41001...@interpring.com> wrote:

> I have a client who, for lack of a budget, has to run an old Dell Optiplex
> GX280 as a Rivendell playback machine for a student radio station. The
> station is Internet-only, and the machine is running JACK and icecast.
> I'm seeing occasional xruns. I've tried fiddling with the JACK setup but
> have no idea what effect adjusting the parameters should have. I see the
> latency go up and down, but no effect on the xruns.
> What are the optimum JACK settings for this sort of thing?
> Rob
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