On 2 October 2014 19:27, James L. Stewart <jstew...@paceaudio.com> wrote:

> So here are some stupid MySQL questions that show off my lack of knowledge
> of MySQL:
> How can you tell which database engine you are running?

SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE Name = 'table name'

> Is it possible to be running one engine on some tables in a database and
> another engine on other tables in the same database?  (My confusing
> stumbling around in MySQL sometimes leads me to think that I might be)

It totally is. Might seem confusing at first, but it makes sense once you
realize that it is useful to exploit features of an engine for a specific
type of data.


It looks like they recommend not trying to convert from MyISAM to InnoDB,
> but what about going the other way?
> If it is okay to do, how do you do it?

I am not aware that it is not recommended to convert between different
engines. In any case, you have the option of exporting your data and
re-importing it in the second table, however keep in mind that there are
differences between engines, notably MyISAM will not enforce foreign key
constraints and does not provide transaction capabilities, therefore you
might hit walls when trying to import "mostly valid" data into an engine
that strictly enforces constraints.

Since the only recurrent problems I have with Rivendell are database
> related any enlightenment could be very helpful to me.

In any case, read the MySQL docs. They might be heavy and long, but at
least they are very well written (in my opinion). Here is a starting point:
Sébastien Leblanc
Rivendell-dev mailing list

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