Hi Fred,

This is what the IT-guy replied (in italic Dutch, I will translate in bold)

Kanalen laten starten/stoppen door Rivendell zou mooi zijn, maar ik heb geen 
idee hoe ik dat voor elkaar zou moeten krijgen met de AXUM.  Kan ongetwijfeld, 
maar vergt wel een interface met de mixer die dat ondersteund.  De knopstart 
zoals we hem nu gebruiken kan dat niet, dan zouden we een echte GPIO kaart 
moeten hebben, of MambaNet moeten gebruiken en ik heb geen idee hoe dat werkt.  
Rivendell ondersteund geen MambaNet in ieder geval.

It would be nice if Rivendell can start/stop a channel, but I have no idea how 
to accomplish that with our AXUM-mixer. Should be possible, but you have to 
have an interface with the mixer, which does not support that. The buttonstart 
we us now cannot do it, then we should use a real GPIO-card, or use MambaNet, 
but I have no idea how that works. Rivendell doesn't support MambaNet anyway.

Concreet is de vraag:  kan Rivendell zo ingesteld worden dat hij in automatic 
mode of niet reageert op knopstart of dat hij in automatic mode maar op 1 
schuif blijft?  Voor zover ik kan zien aan de reacties, lijkt het antwoord 
"nee"... ?  Want dat is nog steeds de makkelijkste oplossing.

The question still remains: can Rivendell be configured to either ignore the 
button start or just play in one channel when in automatic mode. As far as I 
can see in the reactions, the answer seems "no"... ? Because that's still the 
most easy solution.

I've worked with several different radio-automation software packages and I 
know, for instance, that most of them keep the audio on the active channel when 
automatic mode is activated. For example Dalet, GML and PC Radio, the most 
common used software packages in Dutch radio. Those, by the way, also have a 
"mix editor", but I tend to set the seguepoints so good, that for most DJ's 
that will not be necessary.

I still have to say: I love working with Rivendell! Maintaining is very easy 
and the software is very stable!


Van: Frederick Gleason
Verzonden: ‎dinsdag‎ ‎28‎ ‎oktober‎ ‎2014 ‎12‎:‎21
Aan: User_discussion_about_the_Rivendell_Radio_Automation_System

On Oct 28, 2014, at 07:03 48, Wayne Merricks <waynemerri...@thevoiceasia.com> 

> It would be nice to have some sort of rdadmin option for channel switching in 
> auto but alas my QT/C skills are atrocious so I couldn't figure out how best 
> to do that.

This feature originally appeared in v2.5.0, with some tweaks to improve 
reliability and consistency in v2.5.5 and v2.6.1.  It is known to work well 
with LiveWire [Axia] and vGuest [Logitek] mixing desks.  I’d be curious to hear 
about experiences with other platforms!


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
|                           |              Paravel Systems             |
|          A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                         -- Cicero                    |

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