For the past few weeks we have been having issue with our system coming to a screeching halt at midnight going from Sun into Mon.

I'll preface my message by saying it is mostly user error, but there may be a bug, or the way I have my system set up.

After looking at the detailed reports, here is what looks like is happening:

Sat night there is a 3 hour long form show that is broken up into close to 27 minute chunks with 6 minutes of local avails.

Do to them not filling these traffic breaks, Sat's log has been ending early (around 11:45p). It does load Sundays log. However, sometime shortly there after (midnight perhaps), it loads MONDAYS log, and runs in on Sunday. Yes, you figure someone would be listening to the station to catch this...sigh...I digress...

Anyway, so at the end of the say on Sunday it tries to load Monday's log, which is the log it has been currently running, and the system comes to a screeching halt.

Aside from the traffic issue, any thing I might be doing wrong, and how "short" is acceptible for a log? I have all my music overfilled, but they are killing me on overnights because they want a large amount of avails, yet never schedule anything in them!


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