On Feb 25, 2015, at 08:20 14, Wayne Merricks <waynemerri...@thevoiceasia.com> 

> I've been using the addsong thing for about 2 years now.  I modified it from 
> the icecast RLM and posted it to this list but nobody seemed to take hold of 
> it.
> The chargeable thing is iffy because if you're using the rlm templates then 
> you're effectively GPL'ing the code which means you have to make it freely 
> available.  So correct me if I'm wrong but all you'd really be alllowed to do 
> would be to supply pre-compiled RLMs that you would tell people to put in the 
> appropriate directories?

FWIW, neither I nor Paravel Systems have any intention of producing ‘non-free’ 
RLMs, now or in future.  As I have said many times, here and elsewhere, there 
is only one ‘version’ of Rivendell — the free (as in speech) one!  That will 
never change for so long as I have anything to do with the project.

As for the legal issue you raise, opinion in the FOSS community has been 
decidedly mixed.  For example, the FSF has been pretty adamant that Linux 
kernel modules should properly be considered ‘derived’ works of the kernel and 
so fall under the GPL, but the kernel maintainers themselves have been divided 
on this issue, with Linus himself falling into the pragmatist camp of 
considering them separate works while at the same time providing a mechanism 
(the kernel ‘taint’ flag and restrictions on symbol importation to non-GPL 
modules) for those who take a more ‘purist’ view.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
|                           |              Paravel Systems             |
|   On-line, adj.:                                                     |
|         The idea that a human being should always be accessible to a |
|   computer.                                                          |

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