On Jun 16, 2015, at 22:37 29, Jay Ashworth <j...@baylink.com> wrote:

> systemd isn't from Darwin, it's from everyone's favorite pseudo-designer,
> Lennart Poettering, he of ... pulse audio.

Ugh.  That tells me everything I need to know...

> And what I *cannot* understand is how distro Release Configuration Managers
> were inveigled to drink the Flavor-Aid.  It makes laptops boot a tiny bit 
> faster (my x61 with an SSD boots without it in 12 seconds flat) at the 
> expense of breaking the reflexes of the SAs of hundreds of millions of 
> servers worldwide.  Without their permission.

Because it’s ‘new’ and ‘advanced’, which means that it must be ‘better’?

I’m not surprised when such things appear in Ubuntu, where ‘fixing’ things that 
aren’t broken has become one of the defining characteristics of the distro.  
However, I admit that I was jarred when it showed up in RHEL 7.  Seriously, how 
many laptops does that get run on, relative to the number of ‘big iron’ servers?

> Worst: you can't go back; packagers don't *include* sysVinit scripts 
> anymore, by and large.

Well, *I* do.  Rivendell is just a flea on the back of the Linux elephant 
though.  :)


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
|                           |              Paravel Systems             |
|  There are two ways of constructing a software design.  One is to    |
|  make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies; the     |
|  other is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious        |
|  deficiencies.  The first method is far more difficult.              |
|                                         --C.A.R Hoare                |

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