On 7/27/2015 4:29 AM, Frederick Gleason wrote:
It totally depends on the specific site and its requirements.  For a site with 
a single workstation, one user account is often enough.  As things grow though, 
it often becomes desirable to create accounts crafted for the various roles in 
the facility (production guy, traffic manager, on-air announcer, engineer, etc).
Multiple roles is the situation, to a smaller degree than above, at our station.

Another point to bear in mind concerns sound panels.  ā€˜Uā€™ panels are keyed to 
the particular user logged into the system.  Creating multiple user accounts 
thus can be a powerful way to provide each on-air person with their own 
customized sonic environment.
Thanks for pointing this out. I just tried this and I see the large potential here on customization for specific people/roles.

Rich Stivers
Rivendell-dev mailing list

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