You have to use the AUX log for this otherwise the Main log will just stop and be silent for 5 seconds.

Create a macro cart with these commands:

001 PS 0 5000! <-- This fades down log 0 (the main log) over 5000 ms
002 SP 5100! <-- This waits for 5100 ms before doing anything else otherwise your fade starts and instantly gets cut off
003 PN 1! <-- This plays the next item in the main log

What you would do is then have an AUX log with timed events at 6 seconds or so before the hour. What I do is this:

Main Log: 6 seconds before the hour, a timed event that performs a make next on the TOH block
AUX Log: 5 seconds before the hour, fade and play next.

This repeats for every hour. Make sure you have a chain event at the end of the AUX log that reloads the same AUX Log otherwise Rivendell won't allow already played events to repeat (this includes timed macros).

Wayne Merricks
The Voice Asia

On 17/09/15 14:19, Tom Van Gorkom wrote:
Thanks for the tips. I put only the 24 TOH announcements in one cart and made them playable for a minute before and a minute after just in case. We don't need to play any other time announcements like that. Now I am looking at a way with an RML macro event placed that the end of each hour to fade down and stop playout for the TOH announcement. It's quite time consuming to research every little detail of how to use Rivendell since there is so little documentation but I'm learning slowly.

Thanks again,

Tom Van Gorkom
Radio Esperanza Engineering, KRIO AM/FM, KOIR FM
Office: 956-380-8150
Cell: 865-803-7427

Rio Grande Bible Institute
4300 S US Hwy 281
Edinburg, TX 78539

On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 5:08 AM, Wayne Merricks < <>> wrote:

    Even for live Events, we schedule Rivendell so that it can run the
    entire hour by itself.  Its also good for if your live event has
    live technical problems.

    If you have a presenter on hand for doing live shows in the studio
    all they have to do is switch to manual mode and wait for the
    current event to finish playing (we have TOH blocks and shows
    generally resume after that).

    If you use an outside live feed with some sort of switcher
    swapping to different feeds, you can loop Rivendell into whatever
    firing mechanism you have (or just put Rivendell on a fade out and
    STOP transition for when the live show is due to start).

    As for overfilling, yes do that.  Your presenter/producer should
    be tweaking the show if they want the times to match up correctly
    (e.g. remove some carts until you have space to talk, talk enough
    so that when you start the last cart of the hour it will end
    within 1 - 2 seconds of TOH).

    If  you rely on automation overfilling.  Use the AUX log to bump
    over filled carts before TOH and then do a fade down into the TOH
    via macro carts.


    Wayne Merricks
    The Voice Asia

    On 16/09/15 17:43, Tom Van Gorkom wrote:
    Being new to Rivendell and having to become the staff trainer by
    default, I have scheduler questions. I have looked at Brett's
    Blog of 12/2009 which was helpful but not enough. We are a
    Christian teach, talk, and music station with several live
    segments during weekdays with every hour being somewhat unique
    throughout the day and night. Thanks in advance for your patience
    with all my questions. If there are documents that you could give
    me links to that would help as well as answering from your

    - Do you use the included scheduler and does it work well?
    -How do I set up for live shows - stop automation or add a blank
    event of the show length at the right time?
    -My GM would like to keep using hard timed TOH "The time is..."
    announcements which seems complicated to work out. It seems like
    I have to overfill the clock a bit to make sure it doesn't run
    short and then either it cuts off whatever is playing at the TOH
    or I have to edit the log extensively to do fade outs before each
    clock end, or is there an easier way?
    -It seems like Rivendell 2.10.3-1 RDAirplay post point counter
    may still have inconsistencies - when changes are made in the
    loaded playing log, the clock doesn't always change accordingly.
    (I read about this in the archives). True? is there a trick to
    getting this right?


    Tom Van Gorkom
    Radio Esperanza Engineering, KRIO AM/FM, KOIR FM
    Office: 956-380-8150 <tel:956-380-8150>
    Cell: 865-803-7427 <tel:865-803-7427>

    Rio Grande Bible Institute
    4300 S US Hwy 281
    Edinburg, TX 78539

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