Dear Ermina,

I understand your need for a recording tool that you can use, and although 
can do that I don't think it was really intended for recording segments.  Here 
at RFA
we use Audacity to record our segments/Carts etc.  Our version actually 
with Rivendell directly, and is our own version - since Audacity is Open 
I am looking into creating a git hub repository that could allow people to 
this version of the tool but because of trademark issues - 
we can't call it Audacity, they have the rights to that name. AudioRiv maybe?

I will let you, and the Rivendell community as well,
if it makes it into a git hub repository somewhere.  

Our version of Audacity works on Windows (Win 7 and Win 10), however, it could 
be ported to Linux 
(I once built an Ubuntu version) and other OS's as well with some work....

Best Regards,

Todd Baker
Radio Free Asia,  Washington D.C.

----- Original Message -----
From: "ermina" <>
To: "User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System" 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 10:08:17 AM
Subject: Re: [RDD] Pause a recording in RDLibrary?


On 07/28/2016 01:23 PM, Fred Gleason wrote:
> Not so much complicated as out of scope.  I would argue that such
> functionality really belongs on the production side of things, not in
> the radio automation.

well actually it would be useful : we use rdlibrary to record in the 
studio, and i can think of many times where i would prefer to have an 
option to pause the recording.

When recording long sessions (itw, translations, etc.) there is always a 
time one needs a break or is interrupted for whatever reason.
And there is also a good reason for one session to be in one cut.

It's easier to hit pause than to handle GBytes of 32 bits silence around 
the network and into the production station.
While it's also easy to forget to "un-pause", that should be a per user 

on the creative side that would allow to do some "tourné-monté" 
(in-camera editing) which is sometimes a fine strategy to do quick and 
efficient things.

. e
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