Dear Al, 
Sorry - I missed that Posting somehow...... 

Yes, the Audacity code we added is kinda like that - specifically 
Menu Choices under File 
Browse Rivendell Library 
Export To Rivendell Library 
Export Selection to Rivendell Library. 

The version we originally used (and still use) did this via Mysql calls, and a 
Samba mount, and we copied the data from Windows->Linux... 

The latest version - (which I have yet to test thoroughly - because we are not 
there yet... we are still on Old Rivendell 1.5 believe it or not...) 
is Rivendell 2.0 compatible. It uses a Rivendell C API Library (which I wrote 
with lots of help from Fred G.) to talk to the Rivendell 
Web API to put things in/take things out of Rivendell. Since Rivendell 2.0 
doesn't allow direct content access - you have to use the web interface - (ie 
so I wrote the C API to create the http calls to pass into the Rivendell Web 
API. Our production version IS running with the new code - it simply isn't 
using the new code cause it figures out which DB it sees - and since we are not 
on the 2.0 database schema - it doesn't use that new code. 
(There are 100 plus Windows machines running Audacity - so WHEN we do upgrade 
to 2.0 - I needed it to be smart enough to easily be flipped 
to 2.0 - rather than manually install 100 + NEW executables - but I digress)... 

The Riv C API Library isn't out on GitHub yet I don't think - it may only be in 
house right now.....will have to check. 

I have tested the Rivendell 2.0 version - but it has not been put into 
Production use "Yet".... That's a ways down the road for us - for too many 
reasons to list here - ... 

The only caveat about the new 2.0 version is that the Mysql calls are still in 
the code - because we needed to have browse capability, 
and the Web API simply did not work well for giving us a list of Carts/Cuts and 
sorting capabilities (you can sort on Cut Description, Cart Title, Cart/Cut 
in our version when browsing the library). 

Getting Mysql libraries to work is a bit of work, especially since Audacity 
uses Visual Studio C++, WxWidgets, etc.... but it works...and I did write a 
a few years ago for Ubuntu, (and I also wrote one for Mac - but I have no idea 
where that code is....and I start sweating just thinking about it... ;)... 

We have been using our Audacity version for Rivendell 1.5.2 for 8+ 
years...Latest Audacity versions I have built with are Audacity 2.0.3 (Win 7) 
Audacity 2.1.2. (Win 10). 

Best Regards, 

From: "Al Peterson" <> 
To: "Todd Baker" <>, "User discussion about the Rivendell Radio 
Automation System" <> 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 2:29:56 PM 
Subject: Re: [RDD] Pause a recording in RDLibrary? 

Todd, had you seen my posting from around 9AM today? 

*** How about the inclusion on the Appliance Disk 
of a custom tweak of Audacity for CentOS, but 
with one major mod: two new "Save/Export" 
Menu choices that allow Export Selection Directly 
to RDLIbrary and Export Selection Directly to RDCartSlots ?*** 

Is this how your spin works? 


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