Hi, Thanks for that.  I've just got it working via a different route.  When I 
did a Google search for the Elo calibation util it linked me onto an old 
version on the Elo pages.  Doing some more digging, I ended up on the 
www.elotouch.co.uk site and they have uptodate drivers for Linux.  I downloaded 
and installed their latest one dated 13th April 2018 and this sorted it out.  
It uses a program called elova and it seems to survive reboots. I will document 
all of this for the wiki when I get a spare moment. Andy ---- On Wed, 29 Aug 
2018 15:48:12 +0100 Fred Gleason <fr...@paravelsystems.com> wrote ---- On Aug 
29, 2018, at 09:58, Andy Higginson <a...@higgles.co.uk> wrote: Touches work.  
However the vertical is inverted so if you touch the bottom of the screen the 
cursor moves to the top.  The horizontal is just a little out. I’ve just posted 
a build of ‘xinput_calibrator' for CentOS 7 to the Paravel Broadcast repo. You 
can install it by doing (as root): yum install xinput_calibrator FWIW, I’ve 
always found ELO monitors to be quite dodgy on Linux. I’ve usually been able to 
make them work, but rarely without significant amounts  of fiddling around. The 
‘upside down touches’ problem is common. Some days, I’d swear that the folks at 
the factory flip a coin at the beginning of each shift to decide which way they 
will be installing the touch panel on that particular day.  :) Cheers! 
|----------------------------------------------------------------------| | 
Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             | |        
                   |              Paravel Systems             | 
|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |      
    A room without books is like a body without a soul.         | |             
                            -- Cicero                    | 
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