On Thu, 6 Sep 2018 11:19:57 -0700
Patrick <patr...@scnv.net> wrote:

> Which VNC server is recommended for Rivendell on CentOS 7?
> Thank you.

 CentOS has a built-in, you may have to install it.
 Not real straight forward, that.

 I'm using x11vnc for a variety of reasons.
 CentOS uses TigerVNC, but it has some limitations that make
 it unworkable in certain situations.


If the vendors started doing everything right, we would be out of a job.
Let's hear it for OSI and X!  With those babies in the wings, we can count
on being employed until we drop, or get smart and switch to gardening,
paper folding, or something.
                -- C. Philip Wood
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