
if I understand correctly, x11vnc is not for that. You might want to look
at tight vnc or another.

On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 10:19 AM Alan Smith <> wrote:

> Greetings All.  I am setting up my first CentOS 7 based Rivendell system.
> I noticed it already has x11vnc installed (I used the instructions on
> Paravel's site to get a working system).
> I would like to get VNC running on boot.  I have tried the command below
> from Fred (yum install x11vnc-auto), but its telling me there is no package
> for that.
> A little help would be appreciated.
> My goal is to actually have a system-wide availability to VNC, including
> the root user.  I understand the security risks involved in that.  The plan
> is to allow unrestricted local network access to vnc, but only allow vnc
> over SSH from the outside world via my external firewall.  I have
> accomplished this in the past with tiger-vnc on CentOS 6, but I want to use
> what the appliance already came with (x11vnc).

Explaining further...

x11vnc is to send the logged in physical desktop out via vnc. The way I use
it is this...

I have my user that runs rivendell set to auto log in. I have a file in
that users ~/.config/autostart which will start x11vnc for that user on
boot/audologin. I also have other things configured there that will bring
the station up and get music playing.

I then set up ssh with tunnels so that I can ssh into the box and then run
a vnc viewer to connect to the running x11vnc instance. I will be seeing
the same thing remotely as a user sitting at the screen in the studio...

There are, of course, other ways to play this game and I have done so in
the past. I hope this proves at least somewhat helpful.

 all the best,


> Thanks!
> -Alan
> On 9/6/2018 2:49 PM, Fred Gleason wrote:
> On Sep 6, 2018, at 14:19, Patrick <> wrote:
> Which VNC server is recommended for Rivendell on CentOS 7?
> It depends on the specific use case. For the common one of ‘share my
> primary display so I can see it remotely’, CentOS 7 does not have a
> ready-made solution, so I’ve written a SystemD service that will do it. To
> install it, do (as root):
> yum install x11vnc-auto
> systemctl start x11vnc-auto.socket
> systemctl enable x11vnc-auto.socket
> then, as user ‘rd’, set the VNC password by doing
> vncpasswd
> That will put your primary display at VNC desktop :0 (TCP port 5900).
> Cheers!
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
> |                           |              Paravel Systems             |
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |          A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
> |                                         -- Cicero                    |
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
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