Hi Rich,

I have successfully swapped out Xfce for GNOME on several systems I help
maintain (running CentOS 7). Here's how I've done it:

 - sudo yum remove '@Xfce'
 - sudo yum --skip-broken install  '@^GNOME Desktop'

The "@" symbols refer to yum "groups": Xfce is a simple group, GNOME is
an "environment group" (see
for info about environment groups).

The "--skip-broken" was needed because GNOME wants to install an ALSA
package (maybe alsa-firmware? I forget the details) that conflicts with
the Audio Science "hpklinux" package. Using "--skip-broken" leaves the
hpklinux package installed.

Hope this helps!

  ~David Klann

On 12/6/18 10:29 PM, Rich Stivers wrote:
> I appreciate all the people who responded to my inquiry regarding the
> Dell Optiplex 3060. I decided on this PC.
> While I'm waiting for them to be delivered, I decided to build a Centos
> 7 Rivendell system on an older test computer
> using the Paravel Instructions -
> http://static.paravelsystems.com/rivendell-install/rivendell-install-rhel7.html
> Everything went well but I have a few questions.
> At the step for Mount Points -
> for /home, 100G is specified. Since I have a 1TB disc, could I specify
> 200G instead? Our sound files reside on a
> NAS Raid server so this drive doesn't need extra space in /var/snd.
> The resulting desktop is Xfce instead of Gnome. Is Xfce better than
> Gnome? I had no problem with Gnome in Centos 6.
> If it's not too much trouble I'd like to bring back Gnome. Would this
> interfere with Rivendell in any way?
> Rich
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