Hi folks,

A couple of questions which on reflection might be a bit more CentOS-specific than Rivendell-specific, however we're just getting stuck in with 2.19.3 on CentOS 7 via these instructions: http://static.paravelsystems.com/rivendell-install/rivendell-install-rhel7.html

Firstly, VNC.

The rivendell-install package includes a VNC server which I can invoke via the GUI and via the command line in screen or similar, by simply running "x11vnc -shared -forever" -- what's the best way of having this run at startup so that there's no need to use nohup, screen or a terminal running on the desktop? I have tried an entry in /etc/rc.local but to no avail.

Secondly, Rivendell versions.

When running rivendell-install I just 'ended up' with 2.19.3, which is absolutely fine as we're just starting to experiment with the latest version, however once we're in production with a specific version, how do we ensure that new or rebuilt hosts get the same version of Rivendell as elsewhere on our network? 'yum list available' only has 2.19.3-1 - will the Paravel repo only hold the latest version, and if so will we be 'forced' to always run the version provided by the Paravel repo? Should I save a copy of my desired installer (and if so, how?)

Unrelated, I notice that tryphon.eu appears to be dead...I would be happy to help with hosting if that's what's needed!

Kind regards,
Tom Dawson

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