On Sun, 2018-12-30 at 13:23 +0000, t...@tomdawson.co.uk wrote:
> When running rivendell-install I just 'ended up' with 2.19.3, which
> is 
> absolutely fine as we're just starting to experiment with the latest 
> version, however once we're in production with a specific version,
> how 
> do we ensure that new or rebuilt hosts get the same version of
> Rivendell 
> as elsewhere on our network? 'yum list available' only has 2.19.3-1 

That's correct. The 'Paravel-Broadcast' repo will always have the
current 'stable' release of Rivendell 2.x (v2.19.3 as of this writing).
I'd encourage you to upgrade to these versions as they appear, as that
way you get bugfixes (and often new functionality) in a timely manner. 

> will the Paravel repo only hold the latest version, and if so will we
> be 
> 'forced' to always run the version provided by the Paravel repo?
> Should 
> I save a copy of my desired installer (and if so, how?)

If you need to stay pinned to a particular version, you can do that by
keeping your own copy of the relevant RPMs and then downgrading to them
after the initial installation is complete.

One caveat: if you go this route, be sure that the new machine is *not*
connected to your production Rivendell server until after the downgrade
is complete. Otherwise the new version may update the DB schema on your
production system, making your other hosts running the 'downgraded'
version unable to connect. (Not a catastrophe as those changes can be
reversed by using rdrevert(8), but a hassle at the very least).


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |            Chief Developer            |
|                           |            Paravel Systems            |
|          A room without books is like a body without a soul.      |
|                                        --Cicero                   |

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