On Thu, 2019-05-16 at 10:58 -0400, Seth Stevenson wrote:
> I was testing gpio on the raspberry pi. It seem when the I set up the
> carts on the gpio lines in RDADMIN it froze the whole pi up. I am
> using the kernel gpio and it is hooked up to a Burk LX-1 switcher.
> Any reason for this? As long as Rivendell is running the pi is locked
> up. 

A lot is going to depend on the specific model and what else is going
on on the pi. Kernel GPIO gives access to the entire set of defined
GPIOs, some of which are used for other things --e.g. the serial
console-- that shouldn't be messed with from user space. If you try to
use those pins, 'undefined things' can happen. Things get even more
complicated if there's a hat installed, as those too use various pins
in ways that are specific to the particular hat.

Bottom line, make a careful study of the GPIO allocation for the
particular model of pi in use, then ensure that you are modifying only
otherwise unused GPIOs.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                         -- Cicero   |

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