Hi all,

I want to enable a terminal at a remote site which will give a user access to RD LIBRARY; RD LOGMANAGER & EDIT with sound.

This will enable the user to create events, clocks, grids, logs, and do voice tracking.

Have gigabit fibre at each end.

I installed tinc on a server [CentOS -7] and on a master running CentOS 6 and 2.19.3 which is also running on the client.

master ------[655]--------tinc-[655]------/internet/----[655]-client

I can ping the master and the tinc server from the client using the tinc subnet  12ms seems OK

[still have hair but it's grayer; copying keys proved a challenge]

Each end needs to be set up so tinc comes up first then MySQL then RD which should be a matter of coding a service; after networking; before RD.

I am assuming I have to make mysql available to the client by granting access to port 3306 as if it were a local client.

The tinc platform will keep it secure.

I also have to mount /var/snd which works in that I can see the audio in RD library and audio plays on the client.

My confusion comes when the master has an IP on the local network and a tinc IP [10.x.x.x] on tun0  as does the client.

Which IP do I use in the RD admin > Manage hosts for the client?

All that said it seems to be working, including rip CD.


Robert Jeffares

Rivendell-dev mailing list

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