Gabriele & David

the tinc VPN server is 'piggy in the middle' and is the interface between the 
local network on which the RD Server runs [as a tinc client] and the internet.
The Client connects to the RD server with the tinc server managing the 
connections. I did not want to run the tinc server software on the RD server 
which I call 'Master' so it is an internal Client on the tinc.
To my surprise the whole thing 'just runs' but in setting up the MySQL access 
[following the wiki] I have removed root access on the RD Master server. rduser 
works but root access has been removed in the process which affects a number of 
scripts I use to deliver information to a couple of remote stations.

Just working on how to get root access back on the server.
RD Library works as does RD Log Manager & Edit. The distant client can load audio via Rip CD.

There is a network lag of 12ms which does not appear to be bothering anything.

I am running the lot from a remote desktop at home over a not so fast ADSL

David, I am not needing any of Catch & Macro at the distant client. Essentially 
it's a Clock manager, Voice Tracker, and library curation node.


On 24/06/19 4:28 AM, David Klann wrote:
Hello Gabriele and Robert,

Gabriele, I think (from Robert's awesome ASCII art) that the tinc VPN is
running *on* the "master" Rivendell server. Your recommendation is
accurate if that's not the case. Is that correct Robert?

Regarding the IP address in the Rivendell configuration, my
understanding is that it doesn't really matter which IP address you use
as long as the workstations are not interacting at the "Rivendell layer"
(it's a new layer in the OSI model :). In other words, if "HTTP Xport"
and "Core Audio Engine" are both set to "localhost", _AND_ if there are
no jobs in RDCatch running "across" workstations, _AND_ if you have no
RML macro sequences using the "CC" RML, then you can safely use the
default IP address of, or any active IP address on the host.

Hope this is accurate, and that it helps!

   ~David Klann

On 6/23/19 1:53 AM, Workino wrote:
Hello Robert,
You can use both without any problem.
But let me say If tinc server and master sever are in the same lan subnet you 
don’t needed to activate a vpn also on master.  For the ports If firewall on 
master is not configured all ports will be exposed without any restrictions.

Why would u like to change the starting sequence?


Sent from my iPhone

On 23 Jun 2019, at 05:48, Robert Jeffares <> wrote:

Hi all,

I want to enable a terminal at a remote site which will give a user access to RD 

This will enable the user to create events, clocks, grids, logs, and do voice 

Have gigabit fibre at each end.

I installed tinc on a server [CentOS -7] and on a master running CentOS 6 and 
2.19.3 which is also running on the client.

master ------[655]--------tinc-[655]------/internet/----[655]-client

I can ping the master and the tinc server from the client using the tinc subnet 
 12ms seems OK

[still have hair but it's grayer; copying keys proved a challenge]

Each end needs to be set up so tinc comes up first then MySQL then RD which 
should be a matter of coding a service; after networking; before RD.

I am assuming I have to make mysql available to the client by granting access 
to port 3306 as if it were a local client.

The tinc platform will keep it secure.

I also have to mount /var/snd which works in that I can see the audio in RD 
library and audio plays on the client.

My confusion comes when the master has an IP on the local network and a tinc IP 
[10.x.x.x] on tun0  as does the client.

Which IP do I use in the RD admin > Manage hosts for the client?

All that said it seems to be working, including rip CD.


Robert Jeffares

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