Here is the latest version of the Remote Voicetracker based on the latest
Rivendell (3.0).

The changes are visible here:

To get this to work, you will need to do the following:

1. Install PHP and HTTPS for Apache. HTTPS is mandatory to get the Audio
libraries to work in HTML5

2. Clone my repository into /usr/local/src/rivendell

3. Create a directory called /usr/local/rdweb

4. Copy the contents of /usr/local/src/rivendell/web/rdphp into

5. Copy /usr/local/src/rivendell/conf/ to

6. Edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/rdweb.conf and change the directories to point to

7. Restart HTTPD

8. Login to the Voicetracker with https://[IP_address]/rdweb

9. User a Rivendell user that has Web API rights

10. Try out remote voicetracking

*Note: *

This is meant for developer-level people familiar with PHP coding. This is
only tested on Centos 7 and has a dependency on its native PHP version.
Later versions of PHP (v7) have not been tested and will likely have issues.

Please take a look at this and please make changes and enhancement to it.
Rivendell is an excellent Automation system - and I believe the one thing
lacking from Rivendell compared to the other commercial systems is the
ability to remote voicetrack -- and this can be the start of getting it to
work. This works with Chrome, my iPad (using Safari) and my iPhone.  I have
not tested on Android and do not plan to.

If you are a developer, please play around with this, make changes,
enhancements and send me some pull requests. I would be delighted to make a
pull request to put this into the main code repository so it can evolve
with Rivendell. If you are not a developer, this could be very difficult to
set up and I'm unfortunately not in a position to be able to support this
due to time restrictions.

Future Enhancements:

1. Group-level permissions

2. General Clean-Up

3. RDLibrary Interface to upload/manage the music library

4. RDLogmanager Interface to generate/review logs

*Brian P. McGlynn*

On Sat, Aug 3, 2019 at 10:56 AM Fred Gleason <>

> On Aug 3, 2019, at 10:24, Brian McGlynn <> wrote:
> Where should I base it in the source tree?  I call it "RDWeb" and could
> put it into a directory with that name.  It installs the Javascript and PHP
> code into /usr/local/share/rdweb and there are configuration files for
> Apache that need to be installed.  Right now, it is all manual to install.
> In contributing it to the community, I am hoping to get some help in
> cleaning it up a bit.
> In the Rivendell build system, there are two arguments to ‘configure’ that
> control this sort of thing:
> --libexecdirdir=<dir>
> The location to install web content (both static and scripts)
> Value on CentOS 7: ‘/var/www/rd-bin’
> --sysconfdir=<dir>
> The location to install httpd configuration snippets
> Value on CentOS 7: ‘/etc/httpd/conf.d’
> (Note that the ‘Value on CentOS 7’ fields are merely examples; on other
> distros these paths can be and are different!)
> If you’re using Autoconf for your build system, then just use the
> @libexecdir@ and @sysconfdir@ variables to get the target paths. If
> you’re just using a flat Makefile, then provide some variables with
> reasonable defaults and some directions to the user to set these to the
> desired locations.
> This uses a mix of the Web API and direct access to the database.  At
> present, it needs to run on a machine with Rivendell installed since it
> pulls database configuration from /etc/rd.conf.   That could easily be
> modified.
> Ouch! Why the DB access? Are we missing something from the Web API that
> you need?
> Cheers!
> |---------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
> |                           |             Paravel Systems             |
> |---------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
> |                                                                     |
> |                                                         -- Cicero   |
> |---------------------------------------------------------------------|
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