
2 things with M-Audio cards.

If the M-Audio is an M-Audio Delta 1010 with the external breakout box,
pull the breakout box apart.  There is a 470uF 63V capacitor (or there
might be 2 of them in there, I can't recall) which goes bad.  When you
take the top of the unit off the breakout box, the capacitor(s) are in
the upper left corner, just to the right of where the power cable plugs
in.  Replace the capacitor(s) and chances are you'll be good to go.

The second thing with M-Audio cards, I've had situations where the
Delta's have occasionally ended up with channels muted or turned down. 
I also had one card which had a bug where it would appear that it was
turned up, but didn't un-mute until running the audio for the channels
in question all the way down then back up and toggling the mute option. 
The graphical Envy24 has been a good friend to fixing this a number of

Just some ideas.

Lorne Tyndale

> OK, so I've got RD 2.19.3 running via the standard CentOS 7 install on a 
> machine I am maintaining as a backup.
> The M-Audio sound card it's been running appears to have become faulty; it 
> no longer generates any output.
> So, I want to replace it with an Echo MIA Midi card I've had on the shelf, 
> but that card requires the alsa-firmware package, which CentOS won't let 
> me install, claiming that it conflicts with hpklinux.
> Now, I don't need hpklinux because this machine doesn't have an 
> AudioScience card, but if I try to remove it, it threatens to remove 
> Rivendell too.
> Does anyone know of an easier fix than recompiling Rivendell from source?
> Rob
> -- 
> Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы
> И Linus великий нам путь озарил;
> Нас вырастил Stallman на верность народу,
> На труд и на подвиги нас 
> вдохновил.<hr>_______________________________________________
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