Hey Rob,

More details: you *could* do:

  sudo rpm --erase --no-deps hpklinux

I'm not completely sure how CentOS will behave when you next do a "yum
upgrade" and there is also a Rivendell upgrade. I believe yum will simply re-
install the hpklinux package, and you'll have to remove it again. Or the alsa-
firmware package will conflict with the upgrade and you'll have to do
something like "yum upgrade --skip-broken" to get it to install. Either way,
it will probably require on-going attention over the life of the system...

Hope this helps!

  ~David Klann

On Mon, 2019-12-09 at 15:54 -0500, Rob Landry wrote:
> OK, so I've got RD 2.19.3 running via the standard CentOS 7 install on a 
> machine I am maintaining as a backup.
> The M-Audio sound card it's been running appears to have become faulty; it 
> no longer generates any output.
> So, I want to replace it with an Echo MIA Midi card I've had on the shelf, 
> but that card requires the alsa-firmware package, which CentOS won't let 
> me install, claiming that it conflicts with hpklinux.
> Now, I don't need hpklinux because this machine doesn't have an 
> AudioScience card, but if I try to remove it, it threatens to remove 
> Rivendell too.
> Does anyone know of an easier fix than recompiling Rivendell from source?
> Rob
> -- 
> Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы
> И Linus великий нам путь озарил;
> Нас вырастил Stallman на верность народу,
> На труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил.
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