Hi Gavin,

On 7/22/20 2:26 AM, you wrote:
> Look forward to using this :) 3.4.0 hasn't missed a beat here.
> When doing an update if installed over network as per:
> http://static.paravelsystems.com/rivendell-install-rd3/rivendell-install-rhel7.html
> Does one just start from the "Running the installation Script" section 
> again? Is there an easier way to update?

There is indeed an easier way to update!

Open a terminal session and type the command:

     sudo yum upgrade

And then enter *your* password (where "your password" means the password 
you assigned to the CentOS user "rd"). The password will not display as 
you type it for security reasons. If this command fails with a message 
like "permission denied" (or similar) you may have to launch the upgrade 
with this command:

     su - root -c "yum upgrade"

And then type the password for the *root* user (which you assigned 
during the initial installation). And again, the password you type will 
not show up in the terminal window (for security reasons).

Once you successfully launch the "yum upgrade", simply enter the letter 
"y" to proceed with the upgrade when "yum" prompts you.

Since you are explicitly upgrading the Rivendell package(s), the audio 
*will* be interrupted when the Rivendell services are restarted.

You may need to (and probably should) reboot after performing this 
upgrade, so you should make other arrangements for audio if this is your 
on-air Rivendell machine.

Hope this helps!

   ~David Klann

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