Tsk, tsk... Replying to one's own thread...

On 7/22/20 8:45 AM, I wrote:
> Hi Gavin,
> On 7/22/20 2:26 AM, you wrote:
>> Look forward to using this :) 3.4.0 hasn't missed a beat here.
>> When doing an update if installed over network as per:
>> http://static.paravelsystems.com/rivendell-install-rd3/rivendell-install-rhel7.html
>> Does one just start from the "Running the installation Script" section
>> again? Is there an easier way to update?
> There is indeed an easier way to update!

I should have also mentioned that a "yum upgrade" can take several 
(excruciating) minutes (as long as fifteen or twenty or longer). So you 
should plan on using that alternate audio source for at least a half an 


> ...

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