Hi Michael

sndfile-metadata-get somefile.ogg > sometextfile.txt

in a shell script will give you the metadata in a file you can import back as Artist Title and whatever else you want into an array.

the put the varius bits in an rdimport line as --set-string-field=string options


from the beginning of the list to the end


read the metadata into a text file

read the text file to get desired data

$1 $2 $3 etc

redimport --verbose --set-string-artist=$whichever one is artist --set-string-title=$whichever one is title GROUP $filename.ogg

You can put in any number of options man rdimport tells all.

I would copy the files into a directory somewhere and use -- delete-source then the ones left over are the ones you are going to have to manually import

if your bash script fu is not that great send me an email with a copy of one file and i will bash something out.

command line is your very powerful frend.



On 18/12/20 12:34 pm, wa7skg wrote:
Well, rdimport worked fine for me for a bunch of mp3 files. However, I have another 450+ .ogg files. Unfortunately, the filenames are all numbers, like 10005-03, 10005-18, 10015-08, 10015-10, etc. I can open these in MediaPlayer, Audacity, etc. and see the metadata with name and artist, etc. but the metadata does not import into Rivendell like it did with the mp3 files.

I am using the following command:

rdimport --verbose --segue-level=-10 MUSIC *.ogg 2>> errorlog.txt

That command worked fine with the mp3 files, inputting the title, artist, and other info. With the ogg files, it puts "Imported from 10005-03.ogg" as the cart title and no other info.

I've never messed with ogg files before. I must be missing something.

Thanks for any help.


wa7skg wrote on 12/16/20 4:16 PM:
Aha, forgot about command line tools.


David Klann wrote on 12/16/20 3:09 PM:

rdimport(1) is your friend.

    man rdimport

to get started.


On 12/16/20 5:07 PM, wa7skg wrote:

In my feeble memory, I seem to recall there was a way to bulk add audio files. I have a couple hundred songs to import into Rivendell and adding
one at a time will take forever. Any way to speed it up?


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