[root@test rd]# service apache2 status
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status apache2.service
Unit apache2.service could not be found.

WOW!  This was last week's Paravel download.  Is there a different apache
to look up?

On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 12:55 PM Lorne Tyndale <ltynd...@tyndaleweb.com>

> Hi,
> What you are describing is normally an Apache issue.
> Double check that Apache is installed and running, check that the cgi
> module is enabled.  Make sure the Rivendell configuration file for
> Apache is installed in the correct spot and that Apache has access to
> the folder where the Apache rdxport.cgi stuff is.  Double check all that
> stuff.  Restart Apache.
> Chances are your database converted fine.
> Lorne Tyndale
> >
> >
> > Rivendell 3.5 on CentOS7 minimal (The Appliance)
> >
> > "New Install" - Cannot edit carts in RDLibrary.  RDLibrary lists the
> carts
> > and RDAirPlay will play the carts, RDLibrary will import audio, but you
> > cannot edit the markers or the start/stop dates - RDLibrary "hangs" when
> > you click on the buttons in Edit.  When you try to Close or use the "X"
> > button you get a message that the application is busy.  This is true for
> > carts added manually to RDLibrary as well as imported.
> >
> > The database was imported from a Rivendell 2.5 under CentOS6 Appliance by
> > cp /var/snd/*.* into the /var/snd/ of the RD3.5 unit and also copying the
> > original database backup file to the RD3.5 unit then restoring the
> database
> > using RDDBConfig.  When prompted, I opted to let it update the database
> to
> > the current schema.
> >
> > What is the best course of action to fix RDLibrary Edit functions?  Can
> the
> > database be salvaged?  (The original database is still available for
> now.)<hr>_______________________________________________
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> > Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> > http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
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