Greetings All,
Just subscribed and beginning the venturing into the world of Rivendell as I’m 
developing a little side project for our radio business so just starting out. I 
do have some computer knowledge but I’m pretty bare bones new when it comes to 
the world of Linux and Rivendell.

So as a backgrounder I’ve installed the Rivendell 3.5.0 image that was 
constructed by Edge Radio for the Raspberry Pi 4. An in doing so im trying to 
work it all up so it will be a stand alone little playout with the audio stored 
on an external SSD. Maybe later look at networking from a central audio 
database so I can operate a few different formats on a couple of different Pi’s 
but for a starting point just I am creating a all in one system.

Currently our main operations and audio assets are all tagged snd setup for by 
playback with BSI Simian. An I have now discovered after googling lots and 
reading discussions on Facebook posts that BSI stores it’s RIFF metadata little 
different than in the standard Cart Chunk format. Meaning I’m having rather 
very much a troubled time converting across our rather large audio library with 
all its meta information. In the few attempts I have tried to import a couple 
of files s as Ross to Rivendell it only appears in RDLibrary with the file but 
no meta data is converted across from our uncompressed Wave files we use in 
Simian. The only field that is filled is the title filled with the message 
“Imported from 100000-001.wav” which is obviously the original file name. An 
does the same for other files. I was hoping the files would transfer all the 
meta data across from the old files so not having to create start and end 
points and other song information from scratch.

So my question now being to the brain trust is the follow. Can this actually 
happen. An if someone, how do I make it happen? Is there like a  program or 
script that can be run to transfer the information? Cause there’s nothing I can 
do in RDimport so far that has allowed me too fo this. So I’m at a odd point of 
what I can do to move forward.

I’d like too see us utilise Rivendell more within our operations but first I 
got to show it csn be transitioned off of BSI software as smoothly as possible.

I’d appreciate any assistance in helping me out.

RRN Radio.
Rivendell-dev mailing list

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