On 2/11/21 21:54, wa7skg wrote:
> Sorry, no joy.
> I can't get RDCatch to work for me over SSH right now.
> I'm trying this initially using curl from cli.
> curl -u u...@host.com:password  ftps://hostname.com/path/program.mp3
> I get the error
> curl: (7) Failed connect to hostname.com:990; Connection timed out
> when I try normally.  If I try specifying the port
> curl -u u...@host.com:password  ftps://hostname.com:21/path/program.mp3
> I get
> curl: (35) I/O operation timed out
> I think there is more to it than just specifying the port between
> implicit and explicit.

Well, that's a reasonable troubleshooting approach. If you can't make 
the curl CLI do it, then you certainly won't be able to do it in 
RDCatch. Maybe the curl manual page has more to say about this?

Otherwise, I suggest capturing the traffic with tcpdump(1) or tshark(1) 
and then analyzing it in wireshark(1). At least that way you can get a 
clue as to why the remote end isn't playing nicely...

This is part of why Rivendell has supported SFTP for a long time, and 
has not supported FTPS until just recently: FTPS is a huge worm pile and 
the "standards" (RFC's) are not all that helpful.

   ~David Klann

> Michael
> David Klann wrote on 2/11/21 7:11 PM:
>> On 2/11/21 17:44, wa7skg wrote:
>>> I think I found my problem. There are two types of FTP over TLS.
>>> Explicit uses port 21 while implicit uses port 990. Apparently
>>> RDCatch/curl uses implicit over port 990, which the host does not
>>> accept. In Filezilla, I have an option to select implicit or explicit.
>>> Is there any way to specify that in RDCatch? The host is not accepting a
>>> connection via port 990.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Michael
>> I believe you can specify the port in the FTP URL. Something like:
>>        ftps://host.name.com:21/file/path/here.wav
>> I just tried this with an FTPS server that *only* listens on TCP port
>> 990, so I can't say for sure that it will work for you on port 21, but
>> it's worth a try.
>>      ~David Klann
>>> wa7skg wrote on 2/9/21 11:47 AM:
>>>> Thank you for the FTPS tip. I never saw that as an option anywhere. I
>>>> haven't dealt with FTP over TLS before, and there is no reference to it
>>>> in the OpsGuide.
>>>> As far as the @ is concerned, I was just getting a "failed to connect"
>>>> error. I tried the username\@hostname escape, but RDCatch did not accept
>>>> it in the username. I'll try the url-encoding tip and see what happens.
>>>> I'll have to research the cURL library.
>>>> Thanks for the suggestions.
>>>> Michael
>>>> David Klann wrote on 2/9/21 9:26 AM:
>>>>> FTPS (FTP over TLS, as opposed to SFTP, Secure Shell FTP) is supported
>>>>> starting with Rivendell 3.5.0. SFTP has been supported for a long time,
>>>>> FTPS support is new.
>>>>> The URL should look like: ftps://host.name/path-maybe-with-wildcards
>>>>> In what way does the "@" foul things up? I wonder if escaping it with
>>>>> "\" (as in (username\@hostname) or "url-encoding" the at-sign (as in
>>>>> username%40hostname). If you try the latter, you might need to use two
>>>>> "%" symbols otherwise RDCatch may think you are trying to use a "percent
>>>>> wildcard"; I kind of doubt this, but I do not know if RDCatch looks for
>>>>> percent wildcards in the username field.
>>>>> In any event, Rivendell (RDCatch) uses the cURL library to perform the
>>>>> actual download. That library may impose other constraints on the
>>>>> username.
>>>>> Hope this helps, good luck!
>>>>>        ~David Klann
>>>>> On 2/9/21 10:27, wa7skg wrote:
>>>>>> We have a program provider who has changed his ftp server and  I have
>>>>>> run into two issues.
>>>>>> First, he specifies he is using FTP over TLS. I'm not sure how to set
>>>>>> this up in RDCatch.
>>>>>> The other problem is he is using an email address for a username. I know
>>>>>> this is common for users accessing websites, but the first I have seen
>>>>>> it for FTP access. Naturally the @ in the username fouls things up. How
>>>>>> can I properly utilize the @ in a username in RDCatch?
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> 73,
>>>>>> Michael WA7SKG
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