Well, I messed up a bit. Had a special situation to load some music for a particular purpose. I created a group "Special-M" and assigned cart numbers 50000-50500 with "Enforced Cart Number" checked. The music was copied into a folder and I ran rdimport to load it all into the library.

Everything ran fine and I thought I was good. My mistake was in not counting the songs. I thought there were about 300 songs. Checking after rdimport ran showed all 500 cart numbers used. That's when I checked the folder and found there were 794 songs. So, I edited the group to allow 1000 carts. The question is, how do I now run rdimport again on the folder to get the remaining 294 songs loaded? I don't want any duplicates and I'm not sure which 500 of the 794 carts loaded.

The only thing that comes to my mind is to delete that group, create a new group with enough cart numbers and re-import all 794 songs.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
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