Hey Jonathan,

On 3/31/21 09:45, you wrote:
> Hi,
> Just to stick my head above the parapet. šŸ˜Š

Good to "meet" you. I admire your work on Airpro and your other tools
and utilities! Thank you for sharing!

> Iā€™m actually the person behind the Radiotools site, so I just wanted to make
> clear that ā€œAirproā€ exists really in name only to refer to Rivendell 2.19.3 
> with
> a few patches and internationalisations for the UK. The naming is because I
> provide volunteer IT support for several community radio (LPFM) stations and 
> got
> fed up with people confusing ā€œnormalā€ Rivendell with our patched version that
> corrects the UK date format and backports a few bug fixes, so it seemed wrong 
> to
> be distributing something that was branded ā€œRivendellā€ but might cause support
> issues for other people if they couldnā€™t tell that it had been modified 
> slightly.
> Having said that, my station (First 105.1 FM in Oxford, UK) has been running 
> it
> 24/7 on Mint 19 for several years with rock solid stability so far (touch 
> wood).
> This includes at least 6 RD machines including those used for remote
> voicetracking and admin. However, weā€™re currently stuck on Rivendell 2.19.3 as
> Iā€™ve just not been able to get 3.x working on Mint 19 or 20 to the level I 
> feel
> comfortable with and we also have a lot of bodged scripts that talk directly 
> to
> the database and would need updating for the new schema (not a major issue but
> the current system works so there is risk in changing it without extensive 
> testing).

Regarding database interaction and migration from Rivendell 2.X to 3.X,
I have no doubt you are aware of how to do this and have a strategy in
mind for when you take this on. I too support several radio stations
here in the US, and I have written some tools (ZSH, Bash, Golang, PHP,
etc.) that interact directly with the Rivendell database. I prefer the
web API, and use it when possible, but as you are likely aware, that's
not always possible...

I just wanted to mention my Rivendell ZSH "library"
and specifically the okDatabaseStructure() ZSH function. One calls this
function from a ZSH script, passing it a list of table names and
associated column names. The function checks the database schemas for
the requested tables and columns, and returns "true" or "false" (in
Shell terms) whether all of them are currently part of the schema. It's
not perfect, but it helps me support multiple database versions without
actually checking the database version number.

The script that calls okDatabaseStructure() must know the schema
differences, but it can discern at runtime which "version" to use.

zsh-functions is "shellchecked" and I although I'm not a bona fide
developer, I endeavor to practice "sane coding"... In that same repo is
a (very crude) zsh-functions "test script", which is my feeble effort to
ensure the functions operate as advertised.


   ~David Klann

> Best regards,
> Jonathan

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